Okay, so [laughter]. When I open the blue book, the Yale guideline, the Yale catalog, it's got a page, as you all know, where it says what letter grades mean at Yale. I didn't actually bring it this year. Sometimes I do, but I've got it pretty much memorized. It says, for example, next to each letter grade what it means. B, for example, means good. A means excellent, C means satisfactory, D is passing, F is failing. B, let's start with B. B means good. Now the crucial question then is what does good mean? I take good to mean good. Consequently, [laughter] if you were to write a good paper for me, that would get a B. And when you get a B from me--now, I say me, this is the royal me. Because I won't actually be grading your papers. Your papers will be graded by a small army of TAs. But they will grade under my supervision, and in keeping with the standards that I ask them to grade with. So when you're pissed off about your grade, the person to take it up with--well, take it up with them. But eventually you'll want to take it up with me. So when you get a B from us, B doesn't mean what a piece of crap. B means good job! And so you should be pleased to get a B, because it meant you were doing good work and it's not easy to do good work in philosophy.
예일대 공개 강의 중 철학 수업에서 나온 얘기.
그렇다 ㅡ.ㅡ B means good job! 인 것이다. 이번학기는 good 한 것이다. ㅠㅠ